February 6, 2025
how to score good marks

How To Score Good Marks In Exams: Best Useful Tips

Every student knows how important it is to get good grades in colleges and schools. But what they don’t know is how to score good marks in exams. That is why developing good study strategies is extremely essential. This is because your future study will be decided by your current marks. It is also much more intense in terms of depth and the pace at which information comes at you. 

In many cases, students who haven’t developed good study routines and are often overheard saying things they would say in high school like “I will study later”. Unfortunately, at this stage of life, students sometimes risk their future under the shade of a few moments of fun. Of course, there are many things that are fun and should be experienced as part of academic life. 

However, the lack of good study strategies can cut the academic experience. Students need to actively learn things in order to get good grades. 


Things You Need And Not Need To Follow


What Not To Do

Good study techniques are not cramming things at the last minute!

If you are looking for how to score good marks then you must know what should be done to get those marks. You need to make a good study strategy. There are a few ways in which you can develop good study techniques that lead to good study habits. For starters, you need to eliminate the high school tendency to cram for exams. 

While cramming is not the worst of study habits it is also not the best. Make sure you read your study materials before your class begins because you will have a better chance to understand what the professor is explaining. 

This puts you in a position to concentrate on what your professor is explaining instead of being clueless about the topic. You can also ask smarter, more intelligent questions in class. This will help not only you learn effectively but your fellow students as well. This approach of studying ahead of time pays big dividends in the long run.

Another High School habit to break is procrastination. You can not write college papers at the last minute and expect good grades. You also can’t rely on Spark notes to get good grades in college. So start putting off-putting things off. It may not sound like something you’d see on a list of good study strategies but “work first, play later” is an excellent motto for college. Don’t put things off.


What To Do

Yes, it is essential to develop the right college study habits and try to make your learning experience stress-free. Stress and anxiety make it difficult to take exams and put your best efforts forward, you may even lose your confidence or develop low self-esteem.

You can keep some of the stress out by good planning and studying . Develop a plan for when and where you are going to study. Find a quiet place that effectively works for you. It may be the library, it may be your room, it may be in a study hall somewhere but find a place where you seem to be the most productive. 

Another good study technique is to study at regular times. Set aside times that are for studying only. It may sound funny because you never thought about it while you were in high school but you need a plan of where and when you are going to study.

Also Read: How to get motivated to study


Balance Is The Key

You need to balance your college study habits along with your Saturday night parties or else you may sabotage your entire academic experience. If you are in the library for a whole afternoon, you deserve a treat for yourself too. You might check out the latest movie, go to a concert, play a sport, or have fun at a party. The key here is balance.

Be careful not to give more importance to social activities ahead of your studies. Remember the “work first, play later” motto. But you also should not eliminate all social activities for the sake of studying. You need both to become a well-rounded individual.

If you are struggling to learn good study techniques that will help you with your college study habits and you want to have a fun balanced college life I can recommend the Good Grades Guide. It’s full of great concepts for helping you get ahead in college. Here is a review of it you can check out. 

Also Read: How to get motivated to study


The most promising study strategies to score good marks

It is crucial to understand the best study strategies for learning new topics, revising previous ones, and keeping a good pace in your preparations in order to do well on any exam. Here are some of the top study tactics to help you get a better grade:

  • Curate a preparation schedule 
  • Don’t cram answers 
  • Practice, Practice, & Practice 
  • Don’t forget about your health 
  • Make your own notes.

15 Effective Tips on How To Score Good Marks

Students are not required to work above their capabilities. Following a schedule and adding habits such as planning, organizing, scheduling, and so on will help you achieve your goals. Whether you are studying in school or college, these tips are useful for all kinds of students. Every student should follow these 15 efficient techniques to get excellent grades in the exam:

  • Effective time management.
  • Create a Study Plan
  • Follow the proper diet.
  • Challenge Yourself
  • Practice sample papers and mock tests.
  • Find your weak points.
  • Understand Concepts Rather Than Mugging Up
  • Create Your Study Notes
  • Try studying things in groups.
  • Help others learn.
  • Minimize smartphone usage.
  • Revise consistently
  • Break from social media
  • Take a walk outside 
  • Don’t be overconfident.


Also Read: Strategies to achieve goals


Final Words

I hope whatever information I have provided above is enough for you to know how to score good marks. You need to actively learn in order to get desired grades. Moreover, the above mentioned study tips are useful for all kinds of students.

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